Thursday, May 24, 2007


David will be graduating tonight at 7:30 pm from P.V. High School. I found another article in the paper about David graduating. I love how they point out that David is the 15th Mackey to graduate from P.V. Mom said that they are going to announce that at the graduation tonight. Cool! David will also be singing with the senior choir tonight. They will be singing the alma mater song and "The Star Spangled Banner." We will take pictures tonight and will post them later. Hopefully we will see many tonight at the graduation! Just as a side note in case anyone wanted to watch, David also has two interviews today with Channel 15 and Channel 12. We don't know what time they will be aired or what day, but stay tuned if you get a chance.


Anonymous said...

yay for David! Congrats!!

I'm really sorry I cant make graduation tonight though :(
I'm excited to see all the pictures... I wish I could be there

Anonymous said...

I don't know David but the article touched a place in my heart. My hubby suffered a traumatic brain injury in 10/05. So glad David is recovery well from his accident. It takes alot of patience and support too overcome this kind of an injury. Go David!! I don't know you but I am very proud of the accomplishments you are making!! Stay strong and be proud!

Anonymous said...

were the interviews already shown?

David Mackey said...

Yes the interviews were shown on Thursday night all of them at 10 pm. We taped Channel 15 and someone else in the family has Channel 12. The only one that we missed was Channel 5.

Anonymous said...

I have Channel 5 recorded on my TV.. Ill have to figure out how to copy it for the family. He did a great job!